Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Would Einstein Think Us Insane?

ByKevin Probst

Expert Author Kevin Probst

Albert Einstein's definition of insanity was "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." We have now completed three years under the Obama administration and no one on his staff is asking, "Are you better off now than you were three years ago?" In February of 2009 President Obama spoke on the TODAY show. "... If I don't have this done in three years, then there's going to be a one-term proposition." 2 ½ years later Obama was singing an altogether different tune. In November of 2011 he said, "We're going to have an America where everybody has opportunity. And that's going to take some time..."

Under the Obama administration the national debt has grown to $15.2 trillion. That is more than our entire national economic output. In 2008, 67% of American youth voted for Obama. Today, 3 million of them are unemployed. In a few months we will see if they satisfy Einstein's definition of insanity.

While Americans are fed a steady stream of poppycock from the press, they may be missing the most important issue. Millions are concerned about Iran's ability and determination to make an atomic weapon. Newt Gingrich recently said the greatest threat to America is an EMP (Electric Magnetic Pulse) attack. Daily we have our fear of terrorism stoked by some isolated incident that happens in a foreign city far away. But the real threat to our national security is our own national debt. A nation that can't pay its bills is a nation that is making itself vulnerable to other nations posturing as our friends. How long can our nation claim sovereignty when its purse strings are being controlled by another?

If you've read this far into this article you may have already forgotten the $15.2 trillion figure. We tend to forget quickly what we can't understand. What is $15.2 trillion? What is $1 trillion for that matter? Are there a trillion grains of sugar in a wheelbarrow? Are there a trillion grains of sand in a dump trunk?

If you gave away a million dollars every day since the birth of Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago you would only have given away about 75% of a trillion dollars. A trillion dollar bills stacked on top of each other would stretch 68 thousand miles. That would be 8 trips around the world.

But our national debt is $15.2 trillion. How can you visualize this massive about of money? If we had 15 trillion dollars bills and began to lay them down end to end we could stretch them from the sun to the planet Saturn! If we began paying down the principle of our debt by submitting $100 million/day it would take us 394 years to pay it off.

Hans Lippershey invented the telescope over 400 years ago. It wasn't long before scientist were looking into space and attempting to approximate the number of stars they were seeing. Some claimed to see a thousand stars, others made seemingly outrageous claims of seeing be at least 10,000 stars in space. Today we know that there are 100 billion stars in our galaxy. 100 billion represents only 1% of our national debt.

Jerry Robinson, author of Bankruptcy of Our Nation, laments the $500 billion we must pay on interest payments. In one year we have spent more on interest payments that we have spent on the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Transportation, Department of Energy, Department of Justice, Department of Veteran's Affairs, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Treasury, Department of Labor and the Small Business Administration COMBINED! Since 1988 our Congress has spent over $8 trillion in interest payments which is enough to buy an elite sports car for every taxpayer in America.

So what must be done? President Obama presented his idea to the Washington think tank, the Brookings Institution, in December of 2009. The nation must "spend its way out of this recession." Now, assuming most of us are not insane, what would you do if your family was facing a bankruptcy? If you were about to have your home foreclosed and your car repossessed, what sort of family financial plan would you formulate? We don't need Dave Ramsey for this one. We would stop spending money and start saving money so we could pay down our debt. As practical as that seems, the federal government refuses to adopt that plan. It seems they are leaning toward insanity when they find themselves drowning in the ocean of debt and they decide diving deeper will save them.

Jesus told a parable about a wise man. He built his house up. His counterpart, a foolish man, built his house on sand. The economic morass in which we find ourselves isn't totally the fault of the present administration. The American economy finds itself on a sandy foundation because we stacked a pile of bad economic decisions atop each other over a period of many decades. It resulted from politicians who were more interested in building a bridge to nowhere in order to get reelected than they were about an economy they would leave to the next generation. It's about going deeply into debt to live high on the hog and passing that bill onto our children.

Christ never condemned the wealthy, but he had a lot to say about how we are to handle money. He taught 38 parables and 16 of those had something to do with money. He said, "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." (Matthew 6:24) The Apostle Paul gave good advice to his younger protégé, Timothy; "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil" Christ is condemning those who love money more than they love God. His harsh words are for those who have set up a money idol and they've relegated God to the back burner of their lives.

The dark clouds gathering on the horizon are very discouraging. The Psalmist gave a warning for all those who ignore God; "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." (Psalm 9:17) But there is a ray of hope that pierces through that dark cloud; "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Kevin Probst lives in Columbus, Georgia. He is a teacher of History and Apologetics at a private high school. He submits articles pertaining to theology, apologetics, Christian living and American culture. If you have an interest in those ideas please visit his website at: http://www.kpprobst.blogspot.com and offer your opinions or join the conversation.

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MLA Style Citation:
Probst, Kevin".".19 Jan. 2012EzineArticles.com.26 Jan. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Probst, K. (2012, January 19). . Retrieved January 26, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Would-­Einstein-­Think-­Us-­Insane?&id=6827903Chicago Style Citation:
Probst, Kevin "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Would-­Einstein-­Think-­Us-­Insane?&id=6827903EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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How To Compete With China

ByPorter Irvin

China's rising presence as the world's largest economy has many Americans concerned that the United States may soon become second best. The issue is commonly politicized, with many conservatives using the eastern nation's growing might to herd the vote in their direction. The Right argues that the US must curb debilitating regulations if it wishes to restore U.S. manufacturing jobs and compete with China. In addition, conservatives would like to see a reduction in taxes and government spending. But would slashing taxes and the government's budget actually make the U.S. more competitive? Certainly not.

Conservatives have always favored small governments. The reasoning behind this is quite simple: smaller governments operate on smaller budgets. Smaller budgets require less tax money. Fewer taxes provide more consumer income. More consumer income stimulates spending and economic growth.

While this line of thinking seems logical on paper, it hits several stumbling blocks when you consider how small government budgets affect a nation's infrastructure. China's recent economic success is, in part, a direct result of the country's investment in national education. It's not uncommon to see Internet-message boards flooded with posts by conservatives quibbling about China's recent scientific achievements. Yet cutting taxes effectively cuts public school budgets, which in turn leads to poorer education. This begs the question: how does inferior intelligence make Americans more competitive? And when did Conservatives start liking science, anyway? Is this not the same party that promoted Intelligent Design and decried Global Warming?

And speaking of Global Warming, what should we make of Republicans' distaste for alternative energy? Conspiracies of the Republicans' vested interest in oil companies aside, what does the GOP possibly have to gain by denouncing government funded alternative-energy research? It's no secret that oil is a finite natural resource that we will eventually deplete. And although predictions of when that will occur vary according to who you ask, almost everyone agrees that oil-prices will soar in the next decade. Therefore, the only fiscally responsible action to take is to invest in renewable options.

However, Republicans argue that investing in renewable energy is not the government's responsibility. Rather, they contend that "free market" investors will pave the way for renewable energy companies. This would be true if private investors were interested in long term gains, as renewable energy is most certainly the wave of the future. But private investors aren't interested in what's good for the country in the long run. They're interested in what is good for them, now. Republicans are essentially waiting for a private-sector hand-out that will never exist. Meanwhile, the Chinese government is pumping billions into researching and developing competitive solar panels and wind turbines.

Recently, Conservatives have used Solyndra's bankruptcy declaration to validate their standing on federally-funded alternative energy products. But the $500 million financial loss is virtually insignificant when compared to other failed government projects. The "War On Drugs" has long held conservative support, costs the government $40 billion annually, and has not made a single dent in drug use since Nixon started it four decades ago. Additionally, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has an annual budget of $3 billion and a success rate of less than 10%. In DARPA's defense, the agency is responsible for creating the Internet, which pretty much makes it deserving of an unlimited budget, but that's precisely the point: If the government felt DARPA was a waste of resources, the Internet would not exist.

Technology presents a tremendous opportunity to make money, and it takes an intelligent nation to create such technology. If Conservatives truly want America to remain competitive, they need to support tax structures that provide income for educational and technological investments.

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Porter Irvin

Email Address:SubscribeEconomics Article FeedFind More ArticlesSearchSimilar ArticlesIs the Current Financial Crisis a Blessing For the Environment?Recent ArticlesHow To Solve The Homeless SituationProgressivism Isn't Progress, VIIIHow Secure Is Your "Secure" Job?A True Comparison Of Increasing Debt Between Bush And Obama AdministrationsWould Einstein Think Us Insane?What Will Happen If Greece Defaults?A Cluster of (Minor) ErrorsThe US Recovery Is Producing SurprisesA Sigh Of Relief For The Economic Status Of The USHuman Nature, Capitalism, and Greed and Power DiscussedSubmitted On January 19, 2012. Viewed 4 times. Word count: 610.

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Irvin, Porter".".19 Jan. 2012EzineArticles.com.26 Jan. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Irvin, P. (2012, January 19). . Retrieved January 26, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?How-­To-­Compete-­With-­China&id=6828817Chicago Style Citation:
Irvin, Porter "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?How-­To-­Compete-­With-­China&id=6828817EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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A True Comparison Of Increasing Debt Between Bush And Obama Administrations

ByMac McGovern

Expert Author Mac McGovern

Throughout the internet, there are charts and articles that make claims comparing spending by the Bush and Obama Administrations. Almost unanimously, they fail to list their source or reference. If they do list a source, it is usually some reference in line with the view they are trying to impress. Of course, the whole intent is to sway voters to vote their way so they may continue to maintain their influence. I would not mind if they were honest in what they were saying and not making up numbers, however, most of them are not!

A true comparison of the debt created between Bush and Obama Presidencies can be found referencing the Treasury Department of the United States. I can think of no better source for accuracy and truth. Although, many would say the Treasury Department reports what the President wants, this is not the truth and, in reality, the President does not have the power or authority to influence numbers pertaining to reporting by the Treasury.

A number of officers oversee the various functions to ensure accountability; they are namely: a Secretary of the Treasury, to be deemed head of the department; a Comptroller, an Auditor, a Treasurer, a Register, and an Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, appointed by the said Secretary. As a department, I believe the data I obtain consists of checks and balances to ensure an accurate record that monies received and spent are accounted and have no doubt the following is a true comparison of the two administrations.

According to the Treasury, the Debt increased from January 23, 2001 to January 23, 2009, 5.7 trillion to 10.6 trillion. This amounts to an increase of 4.9 trillion in the 8 years of the Bush Administration. This amounts to an increase of about 610 billion per year.

From January 23, 2009 to January 23, 2012, the Debt has increased from 10.6 trillion to 15.2 trillion; amounting to an increase of 4.6 trillion in only 3 years. Additionally, the Obama Administration has requested and will receive another 1.2 trillion to carry through to January 2013. In 4 short years, he will have raised our debt 5.8 trillion. At this rate of spending, if Obama is reelected, our debt after 8 years will have increased to 11.6 trillion; over twice what the debt was when Obama took office in January 2009.

President Obama has already spent more than all other Presidents combined. These are not my numbers, numbers made up by liberal organizations or group's whose sole purpose is to mislead the American public. These are the numbers as reported by the Treasury Department.(1) If you are an unbeliever, go to their website, put in the dates and verify for yourself. As American's, we should all be tired of the lies and innuendo which are methodically choreographed toward ruining this great nation. A sad day is upon us as we are inundated by political rhetoric that is deceivable and allowed to be presented as truth.

America cannot afford 4 more years of spending at an average rate of 1.5 trillion per year. Nor as a nation can we longer afford to pay attention to hatefully prepared articles and charts aimed at providing false information to make a weak President look Presidential using the internet highway to post and publish unsubstantiated information to hundreds of millions.

(1) US Department of the Treasury


Mac McGovern writes poetry, articles, and blogs at: http://allpoetry.com/mac_mcgovern

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Mac McGovern

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MLA Style Citation:
McGovern, Mac".".23 Jan. 2012EzineArticles.com.26 Jan. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
McGovern, M. (2012, January 23). . Retrieved January 26, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?A-­True-­Comparison-­Of-­Increasing-­Debt-­Between-­Bush-­And-­Obama-­Administrations&id=6836078Chicago Style Citation:
McGovern, Mac "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?A-­True-­Comparison-­Of-­Increasing-­Debt-­Between-­Bush-­And-­Obama-­Administrations&id=6836078EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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