Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Conscience Of A Restorationist, II

ByMichael Hume

Expert Author Michael Hume

Start The Restoration With Your Own Values

Today, the U.S. "news" media is undertaking what amounts to a new campaign of propaganda (or advertising, or marketing... you decide). The mainstream media is overwhelmingly "progressive," and no longer sees itself as a watchdog for the American people but as a tool in service of the nation's continued march toward statism (a march against the very people journalists once aspired to protect). Today's new media campaign is the promotion of what they're calling the Republican and conservative "war on women."

Here's what happened: the economy continues to flounder, and President Obama (leader of the progressive statist movement) began to suffer in the polls... rallying to his defense, the media changed the subject, doing their best to focus the nation on "social issues" and away from the economy... as part of this distraction, Democrats in Congress invited (in a last-minute switch) a young co-ed from Georgetown Law School, Susan Fluke, to address a Congressional committee on what they call the "women's health issue" of government-subsidized contraceptives on campus... conservative talker Rush Limbaugh, musing about Fluke's appeal to the committee to subsidize her contraceptives to the tune of a thousand dollars per school year, called Fluke a "prostitute" and a "slut"... the media, thrilled to continue the distraction from the economy, fired all their considerable weaponry at Limbaugh for using those words (and nothing at Fluke, who, at a rough cost of one dollar per condom, was asking taxpayers to pick up the tab for about three sexual encounters per day, somehow to be worked in around the nominal study of law)... Limbaugh issued a detailed apology, acknowledging the inappropriate choice of words and the distraction from his overall message about the central craziness of Fluke's appeal... the media scrambled over each other to declare the apology insincere... Limbaugh and other talkers kept talking about the issue... and the progressive media was then able to create this new campaign, pronouncing that their opponents had declared a "war on women."


Over a long career, Rush Limbaugh has been called every dirty name in the book... and this is far from the first time he's been called a sexist. Anyone who listens to his show for more than a couple days in a row undoubtedly knows he's nothing of the sort. But that's not the point. For daring to stand up against the progressive march, Limbaugh is declared guilty of every mean motivation and heartless opinion the media can think of. He's not politically correct, that's for sure... and because of that, he's chastised by the political machine at every opportunity.

The same is true of everyone who stands against statism.

America, the leader and engine of the world, is deeply divided. A majority of Americans know in their hearts that a free citizenry, sovereign in a worldly sense, exercising entrepreneurial aspiration, is what the nation is supposed to be. A minority, though, opposes this idea in the interest of radical egalitarianism controlled by an all-powerful state. Because the statists control every major opinion-influencing institution in the nation (from academe to the media to the unelected federal bureaucracy to Hollywood), and because they've been persistently plugging away in the appeal to the inner "Victim" of each American, they are able to make the division of opinion seem much closer than it is. And they now have sufficient power, willingly handed them by a previously-free people, to be dangerously close to replacing the American Constitutional republic with a totalitarian state in the name of ensuring "fairness."

You need to do your part in the great project of our time: the restoration of America. You need to develop the conscience of a restorationist. The bad news is that it's a daunting task that faces us; the good news is that America has always functioned best on a project basis (see World War II), and that, working together and separately, we can turn this thing around.

At some point, you need to undertake a project to fight back against the "progressive" movement. A political campaign you could support... a new book or song you could create... a class you could teach... a business you could start... even a letter you could write to the editor of your local paper. But first, before any other project, you need to start with a restoration of your own personal values.

My guess is that Rush Limbaugh is able to withstand the withering attacks on his character by the statists because he is very clear on his personal values. He knows he's not a sexist, or a racist, or a greedy elitist, or any of a number of other things he's regularly called. And that's why your first project has to be a complete inventory of your own values. When your subsequent projects expose you to the same kind of criticism, even if at a lower and more-local level, believe me, that criticism is going to hurt. But its sting will be greatly diminished by two things: your values, and your friends. You will eventually find you have many friends who share your beliefs and who will join you in the fight... but you won't hang in there long enough to find those friends unless you first establish a bedrock of personal values.

When someone calls you a racist, do you know - without a doubt - that they're wrong? Because they will call you a racist. The fact that they have no evidence to support that accusation (or the fact that, indeed, there's plenty of evidence to the contrary) will not stop them, nor even slow them down. The statists must convince anyone you might influence that you are unworthy of their attention. They'll take their shots at you, without fail. So you have to know you really are NOT the bad things they'll accuse you of being. And that means you have to be clear about your own values.

Keep a journal... talk to your closest friends (especially your spouse)... read and view information that bolsters your values, and write and talk about your reactions to that material. Make a list of the top ten things you believe, or the five key principles that make you you. Find whatever method works for you, but find a way to restore your own confidence in your personal values. It's Job One.

You have lots of important projects to take on in the near future, as have the rest of us who need to make a contribution to the new "resistance." Those projects will place you under attack from the well-financed, well-practiced statists who will work hard to shoot you down. So start by creating your best, strongest immunity: a solid bedrock of personal values, and a clear understanding of your own beliefs and character. Make it your first project. If you do, you'll find in yourself a strong urge to ensure it isn't your last.

Michael Hume is a speaker, writer, and consultant specializing in helping people maximize their potential and enjoy inspiring lives. As part of his inspirational leadership mission, he coaches executives and leaders in growing their personal sense of well-being through wealth creation and management, along with personal vitality.

Michael and his wife, Kathryn, divide their time between homes in California and Colorado. They are very proud of their offspring, who grew up to include a homemaker, a rock star, a service talent, and a television expert. Two grandchildren also warm their hearts! Visit Michael's web site at http://michaelhume.net

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Michael Hume

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MLA Style Citation:
Hume, Michael".".6 Mar. 2012EzineArticles.com.8 Mar. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Hume, M. (2012, March 6). . Retrieved March 8, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?The-­Conscience-­Of-­A-­Restorationist,-­II&id=6924304Chicago Style Citation:
Hume, Michael "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?The-­Conscience-­Of-­A-­Restorationist,-­II&id=6924304EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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Monday, March 26, 2012

Are the BRICs Crumbling Over Free Trade?

ByLance Winslow

Expert Author Lance Winslow

We all know that the BRICs are; Brazil, Russia, India, and China. They seem to have banded together in a trading bloc to help each other, they all consider themselves fast-moving emerging nations, and they realize with their demographics, vast resources, and growing economies that together they can harvest their synergies and move forward even faster. Yes, looking at these countries as a trading bloc, I would concur, except for one thing.

Each of these nations has challenges of their own, whether it be; inflation, currency, banking systems, corrupt leadership, or the fact that each one of them at times has been less than honorable in free and fair trade negotiations with the rest of the world. Now then, each of these nations has had one or more of these problems over the last decade, and one only has to read Foreign Affairs Magazine, Global Finance, The Economist, or any number of other similar publications to understand what I'm talking about.

Needless to say, all is not well, as per the propaganda from the BRIC nations. Now then, there was an interesting article recently on Terra Daily Online News in the "Trade Wars" section entitled; "Brazil to slap quality control on China goods," by Staff Writers in Sao Paulo (AFP), published on Feb 25, 2012. The article stated;

"Brazil plans to impose strict quality control on imports from China and other Asian nations to prevent the influx of cheap goods," and Brazil stated that the; "border controls would ensure that imports from Asia, particularly China, meet the standards set by the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO) and comply with safety norms applied to domestic retail goods. Products which fail the tests would not be allowed into the country."

It is interesting, that Brazil would step up to the plate so quickly to right what they feel to be a wrong, and the United States refuses to enforce its own regulations on those goods being imported to our country, or the fact that we are being manipulated in less than fair trade practices with our number one trading partner. Okay so, I ask; "are the bricks (BRICs) crumbling over free trade issues?"

Obviously, nothing will ever go smoothly when you are trading goods and services at such a high volume. Each of the players involved in the free market, all the businesses involved, and in this case it gets more complicated with state owned companies that want to get a leg up on the negotiation, and get more for what they are trading. However, until the brick countries agree to trade using a Western style win-win scenario, there will be nothing but turbulence in their transactions. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net

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Lance Winslow

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The American Dream's Not Dead, Just Different

ByRashiid K Coleman

Expert Author Rashiid K Coleman

The "American Dream" is a mantra, an ideal, a national ethos in which the citizens of this great country believe they have an equal opportunity for liberty, prosperity, and success. It is founded upon the bedrock of the United States Declaration of Independence, that declares "all men are created equal", and that they are "endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights" including life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Don't worry! I'm not writing to give a lesson on American history. However, I felt it necessary to address the single, most important reason Americans think the way we do about the context of our lives in this country. Our American sub-cultures are, in part, the derivations of this mindset that our lives should be better, fuller, richer, and all without restriction from government or others.

We have been softly or subliminally programmed from our youth to embrace certain images of success and freedom. You know, we should strive to have a house, with a white, picket fence, two cars, and two children. The dream extends to our hobbies and past times, the types of social affiliations we should belong to, or not, but all in the service of our attaining the "American Dream." Many seek the proverbial carrot of the "American Dream" whether we do so consciously, sub-consciously, or unconsciously. As Americans this ethos is hardwired into the very framework of each aspect of our lives.

The means by which Americans were taught they could have or achieve such a dream was simple in a seemingly distant past. We were taught to go to school, get good grades, work hard, go to college, then get a good, secure job with great benefits. Upon checking this off of our mental checklist, we were then expected to stay on that job, with that company or employer for 40+ years and retire from that job to receive a guaranteed pension until we later expired.

In comes the drama, the tension, the conflict! While this approach to life in America was reasonable for our predecessors, innovating the industrial revolution, leaving their family farms for the allure of jobs in huge factories, it makes little to no sense for all of us in this America Nuevo. America, in its post-modernity, is presented with a most interesting dilemma. Do we change and evolve with the times, or do we ignore the rapidly changing landscape of our business, economical, and financial realities?

In December, 2007 the country slid into one of the worst recessionary periods since the Great Depression, according to experts. This was no spontaneous event! The experts weren't surprised at its unfolding. There were many benchmarks that were trending in ways to reveal a dynamic financial and economic down turn was under way.

This recession was building as the housing market was at an all-time high. Seekers of the "American Dream" were realizing fulfillment. They were making billions by way of "aiding" Americans secure one aspect of the "DREAM", owning a house. Well, the housing market began to experience a huge decline between 2006 and 2007, and the housing bubble actually burst in December, 2008 according to experts.

When this occurred, the "American Dream" turned into an "American Nightmare." Millions of overzealous Americans and their families were rocked by the collapse of the housing markets. Home owners were devastated as they were turned upside down in their mortgages. Banks were failing at an incredible rate, and they were calling out for government aid. We were in the midst of an administration change, and there's absolutely nothing worse than crisis amidst transition. As all of these events converged they seemed to combine to create a figurative Molotov cocktail, and businesses, banks, and households were scorched as a result.

The aftermath or wake of the crash played out in layoffs of over 100,000 American citizens, the closing of many small businesses, the devaluation of major banks and corporations, the closing of large and small banks, the economic decimation of entire towns or cities, the unemployment rate rising to over 10%, and the American confidence being shattered. Credit markets froze as people were afraid to spend in fear they may be next on the chopping block. American cynicism rose, and middle-class American families were devastated as they had their lives redefined in a flash.

Many would believe the "American Dream" is dead. Many would estimate America has taken a turn for the worst and cannot or will not totally recover. Well, if America attempts to maintain her former ideals then we may be in for some real trouble. If we hold onto the philosophies that made our country great forty or fifty years ago hope might be lost. But, if we're willing to redefine ourselves, our culture, our sub-cultures and embrace the new context thrust upon us by head-spinning change, we'll come out of this differently but stronger.

The "American Dream" is just different. I'm amazed at how many Americans have chosen to follow the paths that are crumbling before them. People are going back to school to make themselves more valuable in the market place. While I certainly applaud their drive to achieve and grow, it's simply a move in the same direction. Not to mention, many of the people going back to school are in classes with kids half their age, and they'll be competing with them in the shrinking job markets. People are surprisingly still looking for jobs and they're forced to accept jobs far below their worth or former income margins. All this is happening because we're blind to the new reality, the "New Deal."

It's time for Americans to gather ourselves, come to our senses, and instead of just looking for another job that will put you back in the situation you were just in, look for a real "opportunity." Opportunities are plenteous! Opportunities are all around. You just have to be looking for one that fits you and for what you have passion. The United States unemployment rate, although dropping, is still at over 8%. Our government and the experts are constantly talking about job creation. Doesn't that seem like a sign we need to make a change?

The "American Dream" is different in that you can't rely or depend on something or someone else to provide you the realization of life, liberty, or your pursuit of happiness. Unscrupulous company executives spend pension funds now. Greedy business owners lay off hard-working, loyal employees to fatten their bottom lines, and jobs are scarce. It takes more than one job, in many instances, just to make ends meet. Former VP's and upper management have gone from earning six figure incomes to delivering pizzas to keep food on the table.

So if you're still hopeful for and desirous of realizing the "American Dream" you still can. But, open your eyes, your mind, and your heart to realize you won't have it the old, conventional way. You must look for your opportunity, and you must seize it when you find it. Don't let anything or anyone stand in your way. Resist the temptation to fall back on the familiar. The familiar is no longer what it was! To have the dream and have time to be able to enjoy it you'll have to look for a way to start and own your own business. You will have to develop an entrepreneurial spirit. You'll have to look for ways to service the needs of as many people as you can. You have to become your own boss!

So, it's time for you to clearly identify your dream life. It's time to alter your disposition so you can drastically change your position. It's time for you to get unstuck from the rut developed from many years of doing the same thing, the same way. It's been said, "A rut is nothing more than a grave with the ends kicked out." It's time to feel alive again! It's time to reignite the fires of excitement and joy in your life. It's time for you to commit to working your full-time job, if you still have one, while you work part-time on your fortune. It's time to start your own business, to set your schedule, to remove all limits on your income, and to realize the fullest expression of your worth.

If you're interested in reclaiming your power over your future, if you're ready for a radical change, if you're ready to free yourself from the grips of the "American Nightmare" you can contact me using the information provided below. I'll be waiting for you on the other side.

If you're ready to live the most incredible life you could imagine, a life fit for royalty. Contact me at rashiidkcoleman@4regalliving.com or 484-693-1616. http://www.4regalliving.com

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Rashiid K Coleman

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